This is a month of birthdays...always has been, with both my sisters and myself blowing out candles in March! In days of yore, we used to have one birthday party at the end of the month to allow relatives to make one trip into Brooklyn/ we got into adulthood, we would combine our days again so that I would only have to schlep into Richmond Hill once during this month of many weathers! My dad could never remember who was born on what day, so he simply remembered "2 times 8 = 16" and left it at that. Hmm, foreshadowing of his parental concern!
Anyway, this month has entered as a lamb, except for today's torrential downpour, but it could have been snow and wasn't! So that means as we enter into spring, we should be surprised by March's leaving as a lion....I am really big on these "folksy" weather predictions, many of which are actually, and scientifically, true (red sky in the morning, sailor take warning, etc).
So, happy BDay to Wendy and Debbie, and to me, and for the first time in many years, my day isn't during Lent (hint, hint). So I will be able to have cake and not feel TOO terribly guilty.
Help me blow out the candles on the count of three....1, 2, 3!
Happy Birthday, Big Sister! Take time today to do what YOU want! Lots of love, Wendy