Okay, so we are now in July and half the year is gone. Except for the fact that today my husband catches up to me in age (ha!), for me, July means hot weather and long, long days. I am a fall/winter person, though after this past snowy winter, I was actually looking forward to spring! But I can't stand the heat and, here in the Hudson Valley (valley=soupbowl), the humidity. I miss Long Island's breezes and the fact that the summer didn't mean stay inside and run from A/C in the house to A/C in the car. In fact, we didn't have airconditioning in Southampton. Once in a blue moon, we'd have a "heat wave" and after several days in the 90s, a fan wouldn't be able to cool our modest house enough to sleep. Then we would pack our bags and spend a night or two with the inlaws, who had A/C. Our best times were sitting by the bay, eating sandwiches for dinner and watching the twins out on their tubes, bobbing up and down and waving to us!
Ok, summer, bring it on!
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